Reasons For Diabetis - Ways to control

Diabetes mellitus called as Diabetes, causes raise sugar percentage in blood. Diabetes means urine and mellitus means sweetness (Sugar content).  By W.H.O surveys shows that out of 100, every 20 members are affecting by this disease. In that 1/4th people are losing their lives. Even children are affecting by this. In blood sugar content is more than actual percent, and then called Hyper Glycemia. In human body out of 100 Ml blood, sugar contains 60-120 mg. Sometimes it rises up to 160 mg. If it rises more than that called Diabetes.

      In blood, sugar control by Pancreas in human body. It has property to produce Glucagon hormones, increases sugar content. Insulin hormone controls sugar content in blood. In case insulin level drops, then sugar level increases, leads to diabetes.
      We can control the sugar levels by using daily food habits. In fruits, vegetables and pulses controls sugar levels. Once diabetes starts we cannot cure completely, But we can control it by following health tips.


  • It seems Throat dryness, always thirsty.
  • Disease produces sweat.
  • Bodies become weak and lose weight.
  • Body becomes heat.
  • Frequently goes to urinals.
  • In urinals sugar content is more.
  • Body requires rest and Sleepy appearance.
  • In Arties blood circulation decreases and blood easily comes to solid state.
Control Methods:

  • Bitter gourd: The whole plant i.e. roots, leaves and fruit can be used for diabetic treatment. Having 50ml of juice of leaves or fruits is good for health. It maintains sugar levels exactly.

  • Bitter ivy gourd: Dondakaya(Telugu)/Tindoora/Gherkins or Coccinia grandis OR Ivy gourd. These roots to be kept and dried in shade places (Not to expose to direct sun light).After dried these roots, make them powder. Every day after wake from bed, pinch of powder mix with glass of milk works as a good control on diabetes.

  • Ginger and Garlic juice: Every day 4 to 5 garlic leaves and ginger juice 3 spoons make them juice/paste and having good controls on diabetes.

  • Blue Berries: By eating blue berries good for controlling in diabetes. If eat with seed gives more beneficial. By dried fruits juice without boil also good for control on this disease.

  • Neem baby Leaves: Daily one full of hand of Neem leaves, by chewing diabetes will be control.

  • Drum Stick: By using powder of dried Drum stick flowers or seeds with water or milk good for diabetes control.

  • Karakkaya(Harithaki): By using powder of karakkaya with water can also controls diabetes.

  • Bael Leaves: Juice extracting from Bael tree leaves diabetes will be controlled.

  • Coriander seed: Coriander seeds powder is good for diabetes patients and easily available in places. Powder should be boiled and having decoction also controls diabetes.

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