
           Karakkaya Fruit :  Haritaki is a rejuvenative, laxative (unripe), astringent (ripe), anthelmintic, nervine,       expectorant, tonic, carminative, and appetite stimulant.

·         It is used in people who have leprosy (including skin disorders), anemia, narcosis, piles, chronic, intermittent fever, heart disease, diarrhea, anorexia, cough and excessive secretion of mucus, and a range of other complaints and symptoms.

·         According to the Bhavaprakasha, Haritaki was derived from a drop of nectar from Indra’s cup. Haritaki is use to mitigate Vata and eliminate ama (toxins), indicated by constipation, a thick greyish tongue coating, abdominal pain and distension, foul feces and breath, flatulence, weakness, and a slow pulse.

·         The fresh fruit is dipana and the powdered dried fruit made into a paste and taken with jaggery is malashodhana, removing impurities and wastes from the body.

·         Haritaki is an effective purgative when taken as a powder, but when the whole dried fruit is boiled the resulting decoction is grahi, useful in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery.

·         The fresh or reconstituted fruit taken before meals stimulates digestion, where as if taken with meals it increases intelligence, nourishes the senses and purifies the digestive and genitourinary tract.

·         Taken after meals Haritaki treats diseases caused by the aggravation of Vayu, Pitta and Kapha as a result of unwholesome food and drinks.

·         Haritaki is a rasayana to Vata, increasing awareness, and has a nourishing, restorative effect on the central nervous system.

·         Haritaki improves digestion, promotes the absorption of nutrients, and regulates colon function.

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