Munaga aku(Drum Stick Leaves)

Munagaku:   These leaves are very useful in heath. But 95% people do not know use of these leaves. These leaves contains high vitamins like vitamin-A, Vitamin-C and calcium with little amount of proteins. And also contains small amount of potassium, Phosphorus and carotene.
  • Equal amount of Drumstick leaves juice with lemon juice apply on the face daily in the night, Pimples goes off and gives glow to the face.
  • These leaves can be used in sambar as a drum sticks. It gives taste and good smell.
  • Drum stick seeds can be fry and that taste is similar to ground nuts.
  • Leaves can be dry and powder use in all curries as a smell and tasty purpose.
  • Leaves with leave branches juice can be used for insects bite. It is Antiseptic agent. 
  • Like chilla ginjalu (Seeds), these seed also used for water purifying.
  • These seeds used for oils. After extraction waste can be used as compost.
  • Gum from tree used in dyeing clothes.
  • By boiling leaves with gingili oil, can be removed skin infections.
  • Skin allergy, bone pains and muscle pains due to minor accidents can be remedied by leaves paste.
  • Leaves juice with little bit salt is very good for digestion.
  • Leaves boil with milk, has it, it improves sexual stamina, When sexual stamina decreases temporarily.
  • By using 1 spoon of leaves juice with honey before go to bed, night blindness reduces and increases hungriness.
  • By using 1 spoon of leaves juice with honey and add 1 glass of coconut water, Motions will control.
  • Boiled juice and cool them, add 1 spoon of juice with I glass of carrot juice. Urinal infections and pain while urine decreases and improves in free-motion.
  • For Pregnant ladies, boiled juice cool it and add with glass of water, good for baby growth and for easy delivery.
  • Drum stick flowers and baby leaves curry can be remedied bone pains and      increases hemoglobin percentage.

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