Kakara kaya(Bitter Gourd)

Bitter gourd: The name itself gives explanation. This is widely available and grows any type of land. It can grow in garden, compound and in a pot.
By eating curry Digestion increases and feels hungry. By drinking raw fruit juice indigestion and Asthma will decrease. By drinking fruit raw juice fat will goes away. It will decreases heart problems and gives Vitamin-B. It contains useful cholesterol which passes via lever to fats to body. It contains Folic and other vitamins Too. It kills germs in stomach. It is good for diabetic patients.

Munaga aku(Drum Stick Leaves)

Munagaku:   These leaves are very useful in heath. But 95% people do not know use of these leaves. These leaves contains high vitamins like vitamin-A, Vitamin-C and calcium with little amount of proteins. And also contains small amount of potassium, Phosphorus and carotene.
  • Equal amount of Drumstick leaves juice with lemon juice apply on the face daily in the night, Pimples goes off and gives glow to the face.
  • These leaves can be used in sambar as a drum sticks. It gives taste and good smell.
  • Drum stick seeds can be fry and that taste is similar to ground nuts.
  • Leaves can be dry and powder use in all curries as a smell and tasty purpose.
  • Leaves with leave branches juice can be used for insects bite. It is Antiseptic agent. 
  • Like chilla ginjalu (Seeds), these seed also used for water purifying.
  • These seeds used for oils. After extraction waste can be used as compost.
  • Gum from tree used in dyeing clothes.
  • By boiling leaves with gingili oil, can be removed skin infections.
  • Skin allergy, bone pains and muscle pains due to minor accidents can be remedied by leaves paste.
  • Leaves juice with little bit salt is very good for digestion.
  • Leaves boil with milk, has it, it improves sexual stamina, When sexual stamina decreases temporarily.
  • By using 1 spoon of leaves juice with honey before go to bed, night blindness reduces and increases hungriness.
  • By using 1 spoon of leaves juice with honey and add 1 glass of coconut water, Motions will control.
  • Boiled juice and cool them, add 1 spoon of juice with I glass of carrot juice. Urinal infections and pain while urine decreases and improves in free-motion.
  • For Pregnant ladies, boiled juice cool it and add with glass of water, good for baby growth and for easy delivery.
  • Drum stick flowers and baby leaves curry can be remedied bone pains and      increases hemoglobin percentage.

Reasons For Diabetis - Ways to control

Diabetes mellitus called as Diabetes, causes raise sugar percentage in blood. Diabetes means urine and mellitus means sweetness (Sugar content).  By W.H.O surveys shows that out of 100, every 20 members are affecting by this disease. In that 1/4th people are losing their lives. Even children are affecting by this. In blood sugar content is more than actual percent, and then called Hyper Glycemia. In human body out of 100 Ml blood, sugar contains 60-120 mg. Sometimes it rises up to 160 mg. If it rises more than that called Diabetes.

      In blood, sugar control by Pancreas in human body. It has property to produce Glucagon hormones, increases sugar content. Insulin hormone controls sugar content in blood. In case insulin level drops, then sugar level increases, leads to diabetes.
      We can control the sugar levels by using daily food habits. In fruits, vegetables and pulses controls sugar levels. Once diabetes starts we cannot cure completely, But we can control it by following health tips.


  • It seems Throat dryness, always thirsty.
  • Disease produces sweat.
  • Bodies become weak and lose weight.
  • Body becomes heat.
  • Frequently goes to urinals.
  • In urinals sugar content is more.
  • Body requires rest and Sleepy appearance.
  • In Arties blood circulation decreases and blood easily comes to solid state.
Control Methods:

  • Bitter gourd: The whole plant i.e. roots, leaves and fruit can be used for diabetic treatment. Having 50ml of juice of leaves or fruits is good for health. It maintains sugar levels exactly.

  • Bitter ivy gourd: Dondakaya(Telugu)/Tindoora/Gherkins or Coccinia grandis OR Ivy gourd. These roots to be kept and dried in shade places (Not to expose to direct sun light).After dried these roots, make them powder. Every day after wake from bed, pinch of powder mix with glass of milk works as a good control on diabetes.

  • Ginger and Garlic juice: Every day 4 to 5 garlic leaves and ginger juice 3 spoons make them juice/paste and having good controls on diabetes.

  • Blue Berries: By eating blue berries good for controlling in diabetes. If eat with seed gives more beneficial. By dried fruits juice without boil also good for control on this disease.

  • Neem baby Leaves: Daily one full of hand of Neem leaves, by chewing diabetes will be control.

  • Drum Stick: By using powder of dried Drum stick flowers or seeds with water or milk good for diabetes control.

  • Karakkaya(Harithaki): By using powder of karakkaya with water can also controls diabetes.

  • Bael Leaves: Juice extracting from Bael tree leaves diabetes will be controlled.

  • Coriander seed: Coriander seeds powder is good for diabetes patients and easily available in places. Powder should be boiled and having decoction also controls diabetes.


Beetrot: Beetroot is a good food for health. It contains carbohydrates, mainly in the form of sugar, and it has a little protein and fat. It is a rich source of natural sugar. It contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, and vitamin B1, B2, C and P. Now a day’s Sugar is extracting from Beetroot.



Mint: It is not only for smell purpose and it is famous medicinal plant. It grows all variety of soil. It grows well in black soil. Even we grow in small pots and compounds also.
1)    It uses in tooth paste manufacturing and tooth fresheners, Keeps as fresh and avoids diseases.
2)    It avoids black tooth.
3)    It controls gas and digests easily.
4)    By using this juice with butter milk or water in summer we can be prevent from sun stroke.
5)    It can kills germs in stomach.
6)     For menstrual  women, By adding 2 spoon of mint powder in glass of water and boiled until water comes to ½ glass and make them cool and have it. So menstrual pains will be cured.


Dania: It is important item in cooking. It can be add in all variety of food items. Not only in India, all countries are using. It is like a family doctor.
1)    It contains proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, pulp and volatile oils.
2)    The whole plant contains medicinal values. Leaves stem and seeds can be used in cooking purpose.
3)    In South-India use in all cooking varieties and sambar. In North-India use in dokla and potato curries.
4)    Powder can use in cooking items.
5)    In ayurvedic medicines also used this powder.
6)    It can be controlled gastric troubles.
7)    It can used in digestion and improves in blood purification.

Karivepaku(Curry Leaves)

Curry Leaves: This medicinal plant. Normally it can be use in 75% curries. Somebody use this as a smell purpose. After cooking in curry, most of the people remove while eating.  100 gram Curry leaves contains 16 grams protein, other Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus and Vitamin-A, B, C.  In leaves it contain Coinigen is glycosides, so it gives smell and taste.
1)    Curry leaves Juice gives body cool.
2)    For children it will be good for bones and eyes.
3)    It will reduce depression and supply calcium to brain.
4)    For pregnant ladies, if they get vomit sensation, they should take 12 leave branches juice, 1 spoon lime juice and ½ spoon honey.  Those three mix thoroughly and have it. It should keep healthy.
5)    For Diabetic patients, Daily 1 leave branch should take, it controls diabetic.
6)    For blood sugar and nerves weakness people should have to eat daily in meals.
7)    Nerve weakness in eyes, strained eyes, by keeping fresh leaves on eyes, improve eye power and can be reduce strain.
8)    By taking curry leave plant roots juice for couple of months, can be removes stones in kidneys.
9)    By cooking curry leaves in hair oil, could be keep black.
10) In butter milk add curry leaves or juice, heath will be good.

Vana Tulasi(Sabja/Rudrajada)

Rudrajada Plant: This is also known as Sabja/Vana Tulasi. This is also Tulasi family plant.
·         It is used for Women menstrual problems.

·         This is very good coolant in summer. By using this seeds, Soak 6 to 8 hours and after getting white and softy add sugar for tasty, then use for drink.

·         While milk feeding women, should not take more, and leads to milk decreases.

·         By using these leaves improves respiratory system and reduces throat dryness.

Billa Ganneru

Billa Ganneru: This Plant is Herbal/Ayurvedic plant has lot of medicated value. In leaves and roots have abundant alkaloids.
Uses of this plant:
·         By Using leaves and roots we can have remedies of Diabetes,     Blood cancer and Low-Blood Pressure.

·         By using this we can be remedied abortions, skin infections, blood-motions, skin allergies, and control on over-emotions.

·         By frying leaves and flowers, using those oils we can use for body pains.

·         By this oil we can use for honey-bee bite to protect from poisonous.

·         By using leaves juice we can control menstrual problems in women.


Amla: This is a medicated plant Available in all over India. It contains Vitamin-c.
1)    It used in pickles. It can be stored 2 to 3 years also.
2)    Frits or ripen fruits can be dries and make it powder , by making delicious liquid or juice diarrhea can be controlled.
3)    Used in Hair oils.
4)    It can be controlled night blindness.
5)    It can use in digestion, blood motions, Stomach-ache problems.
6)    Seed with or without ripen, Boil those in water and cool it, those water drops place in eyes; it would be shiny and cool.
7)    By using fruits or juice controls white hair.
8)    By using Amla power mix with milk before go to bed and have it, constipation goes easily.
9)    By eating fresh Amla fruit we should control gastric troubles.
10) By taking I tea spoon of Amla powder with milk, We can control body and bone pains.
11) By using Amla juice, controlled  in Women’s health problems.


Neem Tree: This tree available all over India. It is eco-friendly tree and medicinal plant. Every house should have this tree. It gives a lot of oxygen and cool weather in summer and hot weather in winter. Each and every part used as a medical purpose in ayurvedic and pharmaceutical field.
1)    Seeds: Seeds are used for oil extraction. In soaps manufacturing, Oil for skin ointments, skin lotions, chemicals manufacturing in agro products. Even though it is cheaply available in domestic, Cost is very high. Because nobody cultivate this.
2)    Seed powder: After extraction of oil from seeds, we get powder or cake form; it can be used as compost in the agricultural fields. So we can get organic products.
3)    It can be use in paste; in commercial ads we can see these. Directly we can use Neem sticks (With stem only) as a brush. It gives more freshness and kills germs.
4)    Leaves: It can use as a feed for domestic animals like goats and sheep.
5)    Leaves: For snake, Scorpio bytes it can be used as a remedy.
6)    Leaves: Chicken-fox, Mach chi can be used as an anti-biotic.
7)    Leaves: For wounds it can be used as an anti-biotic.
8)    Leaves: Juice good for Jaundice Disease.
9)    Need liquid: Used as diseases for like lever, Skin, urinal, heart, and blood motions, syphilis, leprosy and lungs.
10) Need Liquid: In summer time it prevents pregnancy.